6 steps to take actions right now

I wish I didn't play it too safe" said my father then he continued "you're young, so get out and take risks, fail and learn". That was enough for me to take action towards my goals. Just think about it, you work for your goals and you achieve them, wouldn't it be amazing? Easier said than done, right? If you don't give a chance to yourself, it will never happen.
What is worst, we all tried to do something to make our lives better. Especially, in new years, many people have that 'new year, new me' mindset. Weird enough, they and also you pursued the same habits to achieve different goals. It's like eating chicken and expecting the taste of beef. After all of the failed attempts, you become hopeless and start to believe that you don't have what it takes. The good news? You do have what it takes!
However, first things first. The main reason you failed in the past is this: you set a goal in your mind, you read, listen, watch and gather information about it. And you forgot the most important part; the execution. Let's say, you want to play violin, have a hot body, or start a business. What do you do? You go for it! You spend too much time learning 'about' your goal that eventually, you run out of energy for the actual goal.

Hesitation is another issue; you think like should I go for it? Will it be beneficial? Am I going to be successful? What others are going to think? I've got a question for you; how on the earth are you going to know the answer without trying? The only thing you should get out of this; you spend too much energy about your goal rather than the goal itself.
Procrastination, I had this problem in the past, I feel you. I generally put off working on my goals; I'll start working on it after watching this episode. Alright, I'll just listen to one more music and get started. Guess what happened? Nothing, I killed my valuable time. And I've had enough of it, you've had enough of it too. Here's how to take action right now:
First, understand your fears. Yes, fears and yes, the ones that you deny. If you wish you can write them down on a piece of paper. But generally, we're scared of these: failure and what others will think about what we do. The bad news, you're going to fail, I know from myself, I did it whole lots of times. The worse, it will hurt, yet I've got good news as well. Every time you fail, you learn how to get back up. Certainly one reason that you're afraid of failure is because you don't want other people to see it, that's why you don't want to fail.
It's funny, because you're not their priority, so they don't think about you as much as you think they think about you. Suppose that one your friends started training martial arts. He got serious about in his new hobby and after training a couple of months participated a tournament. Let's say, he got destroyed in his first match. How much would you care? Are you going to make fun of him or if yes, for how long? As you can see, there's no need of fear of failure that comes from worrying about others' reactions.
Second, you should accept failure. There are many ways to embrace failure, in my opinion, changing the definition of failure is the easiest one. How? Instead of 'failure' you can say 'stepping stone', 'lesson', or 'opportunity for growth'. The more you fail, the more 'opportunities for growth' you will have. Trust me, one of those opportunities will work for you, afterwards, you'll rise like a star. You don't fail because you take action, you fail because you don't take action.
Third, you learn on the way. Your worst is your first, remember that. Do a favor to yourself, have low expectations in your first try. No one was born as professional athletes, wonderful writers, or singers. All of the successful people put tremendous amount of effort on their work. There's no secret, you have to do the same if you want to achieve your goal. It's perfectly okay to think, read, listen and gather information about what you want to do, however, make sure you'll have enough energy to put necessary efforts into your goal. Otherwise you'll not be going forward.
Fourth, run away from temporary desires as your life depends on it. Temporary desires ruin your life. While you think of one more episode, one more music or one more night out, the other person out there working is winning. If something that you do doesn't help you, then don't do it. For instance, I love listening to music, therefore, I listen to music before I work. It starts with that sentence 'just one more' or 'alright, this is the last one', trust me it is more than one more or last one. When I started to write instead of listening to music, I found myself writing till 2 a.m. So, just get started!
The last one, take your time. It is good to visualize your success and it does motivate you, however, you should take only one step at a time. When it comes to achieving something, you cannot start on the top. Don't try to be on the top in the beginning of the journey, as I've said before, have low expectations in the beginning.

If you keep thinking about what you want to do, you'll hesitate, fear and put off more. Which will not bring any positive results. On the other hand, if you start doing what you want to do right now, eventually, you'll have some results (good or bad). More than that, if you keep trying, eventually, you will get your desired outcome.
What are you waiting for? Go for it!

Ahmet Meliksah Akdeniz


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